Date: Wednesday 8th March 2023
Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm NSW, VIC time
12.00pm – 1.00pm QLD time
Presenters: Terry Ryder,
Rich Harvey, CEO,
Where: Online Live Webinar
The key metrics for investors in 2023 are vacancies, rents and yields.
While media obsesses over what’s happening short-term with prices, switched-on investors are finding ways to exploit low vacancies and higher yields at a time of rising interest rates.
Many are seeking to buy apartments in good locations with the potential to attract high rents and also capital growth.
The evidence suggests there is growing demand for well-located apartments from a variety of cohorts: first-time buyers seeking affordability, older Australians seeking to downsize and investors chasing higher rental yields.
The old paradigm about the importance land content is shifting. The recent boom saw median prices for apartments recording extraordinary rises. In some locations, apartments out-performed houses.
And now, apartments can provide the best counter to rising interest rates with above-average rental yields. With vacancies falling in the major markets and demand rising with the return of migrants and overseas students, rents will continue to rise.
Rich Harvey, who heads the multi-award-winning buyers’ agency Propertybuyer, says more and more buyers are opting for apartments, provided they tick the right boxes.
He says apartments which offer distinction in the right locations can provide excellent cashflow and good prospects for growth. But it’s important to pick the right targets and avoid the no-go zones.
On Wednesday 8 March Rich Harvey will join Hotspotting founder Terry Ryder in a not-to-be-missed webinar which will explain how to be part of the rising tide of buyers opting for apartments for their affordability, good location and superior rental yields.
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