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Hear the latest weekly insights into the property market via podcast by Rich Harvey, CEO and founder of Propertybuyer.

Fri 7 Feb '25 with Rich Harvey How to Retire on $250k p.a.
Fri 24 Jan '25 with Rich Harvey Brisbane Property Market – Trends and Predictions for 2025
Fri 10 Jan '25 with Rich Harvey Melbourne Property Market Outlook 2025
Fri 27 Dec '24 with Rich Harvey How to Finance your Future with Property
Fri 13 Dec '24 with Rich Harvey Property Market Outlook 2025
Fri 29 Nov '24 with Rich Harvey How to Make Better Financial Decisions


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Propertybuyer Blog
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November 2013 - Is Property Your Servant or Master?

November 14, 2013 / Written by Thirst Creative


By Rich Harvey, Managing Director propertybuyer

Welcome to your November propertybuyer market update.
In this edition we will look at;

  1. Property - Servant or Master?
  2. Hot Property Alert
  3. Client stories

1. Property - Servant or Master?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.  How many times have you said to yourself “If only I knew then what  I know now?”

What really compels you to buy a property?  Do you have dreams and goals that you believe can be fulfilled from buying multiple properties? Or are you drowning in debt worried by fluctuating interest rates?  Don’t be a “slave” to your property, look instead to what your property can do for you.”

Ask yourself, does my current property portfolio have mastery over me or does my property portfolio serve me?  Are you flogging yourself with three jobs just to hang on to a mountain of negative gearing debt or have you reached the enviable position of having a portfolio that delivers positive cashflow and sustainable capital growth?

If you buy a home that’s dilapidated or poorly located you are forever fixing things up, or regretting not being closer to transport.  If you buy a dud investment it could suck your cashflow dry and end up costing you more money due to declining or neutral capital value.  Both of these are examples of property being your master instead of your servant.

Property is one of the few investment assets that has stood the test of time throughout the ages.  It can deliver multiple benefits (financial and intangible) and can be leveraged safely with finances.  Buying the right kind of property in the right areas means you are taking control of your destiny and financial future so that you can reach those dreams and goals.

Let’s look at the different motivations behind the typical home buyer vs investor.  Home buyer's are largely driven by the basic need for security and a place to call home.  Some are more status driven while others are more pragmatic.  Home buyers tend to develop a more emotional attachment to their property and this is reflected in the higher prices they pay at auction in tightly held suburbs.  Growing families have a strong “nesting” instinct (I need a safe place for my babies) while empty nesters want the lifestyle features, safety, proximity and low maintenance.

Investors on the other hand are largely driven by the numbers.  It’s all about the yield, capital growth and return on investment. It’s about creating wealth for the future and finding top performing properties that deliver the returns. One of the big motivations for me with property investing is providing for my family and being able to spend more time with my boys.  When my first son was born I became more strongly motivated to invest so I could be more financially free.  I asked my Dad the other day what he paid to build his first house in Sydney – it cost him £12,000 back in the late 1950’s but today would be worth over $2.5m.  I love looking at data sets over two or three decades to see how property in blue chip areas has appreciated significantly over time.

Think about what motivates you…..what gives you a compelling reason to invest in property?   There will always be obstacles and objections along the way….. I don’t have enough money, my job is insecure, the market is too hot, too cold, Aunty Ethel says it’s too risky and my partner is too conservative.  Whatever reason you come up against, you need to have an equally compelling reason to push forward and overcome the obstacles.

What is holding you back? Do you have fears, uncertainty and doubts?  Get rid of these “FUDs” from your thinking. What can you do to move forward?  Every year I evaluate my own property portfolio.  I look at whether I can raise the rents and how much the value has changed.  By doing so I can see if I’m getting closer to my own goals. Speak to your mortgage broker to see if you can refinance and use your equity to expand your portfolio.

Get proactive in searching for property that meets the right criteria.  Don’t make the same past property mistakes and just buy in your own backyard suburb.  Consider researching other property markets and in other states to diversify your holdings and take advantage of other property cycles and minimise your land tax burden. And choose a home that future proofs your needs for more than 5 years. By buying quality property and holding for the longer term, you can attain your goals. Just keep evaluating and get the right professional advice.

If you are in the market to buy a property, please call our office on 1300 655 615 to discuss your requirements, or email your enquiry. We would be delighted to help.

Rich Harvey is founder and Managing Director of, Australia's most awarded Buyers' Advocates. Propertybuyer helps property investors and home buyers search and negotiate the right property at the right price, everytime. Visit or call 1300 655 615.


2. Hot Property Alert

This month we have uncovered some fabulous off market opportunities for our subscribers. As buyers’ advocates we are constantly searching the market for solid investment property deals.

NOTE:  We have access to a wide range of established properties and brand new properties (both on and off market) from which we can hand pick the best opportunities. For developer stock, don’t forget that we can get all the sales commission rebated to you so you end up paying a wholesale price – call us today and ask us how.  Our specialists cover both residential and commercial property.

Morningside (Brisbane) – Off plan apartments. Exceptional value below median price! “The Hub on Kates” at 111 Kates Street Morningside is a boutique  project that comprises just 24 apartments and is located 6km from the Brisbane CBD and ticks all the right investment boxes. Priced from $340k for 1 bed and from $455k for 2 beds.  Brisbane is at the right point of the property cycle for strong upswing. Located just 100m from Coles and Woolies, walk to transport and trendy Oxford St in Bulimba.  Internal size of apartments is very spacious high quality finishes and design by award winning architect.  This will sell out very quickly.

Newcastle – Positive cashflow block of 6 units on one title $875k
Awesome opportunity to pick an established block of 6 x 1 bed units on one title. Located 10 minutes to the beach, hospital and university, this is a very popular location.  Currently returning a total of approx. 7.1% but with refurbishment and rental increases would deliver return of over 9%pa. Also ability to strata title into individual lots. Motivated vendor would take $900k.

Carlingford (Sydney)
Brand new apartments (off plan).  Off market opportunity for a well located block of just 35 apartments in walking distance to Carlingford Court shops and local schools. Generous internal living areas, designer bathrooms and stylish kitchens with stone benchtops. Security parking and storage.  1 beds from $499,950, 2 beds from $550k and 3 beds from $660k.  Limited stock available.

Mudgee (NSW) – Positive cashflow and strata subdivision potential for instant equity
Duplex sites 2 x 3 beds with package price at $597,000, renting for $750pw.  Ability to subdivide these into two separate dwellings and increase equity by up to $100k!

Newcastle – Positive cashflow townhouse from $260k returning $320pw
This is an ideal opportunity for an investor to add to their portfolio without breaking the bank. It comprises a 3 bed 1 bath 1 carport townhouse for just $260,000 with approx. 800 sqm of land attached. Projected rental return from $320 to $330pw and located 10 mins from all major amenities.

Sydney – House and granny flats with positive cashflow
Wide selection of opportunities to get a foothold in the Sydney market with a house from $350k and adding granny flat from $80k to achieve a total positive cashflow yield above 8%.  This type of investment can generate between $7000 to $9000 positive cashflow pa.


Interested? Please contact Jason Low (Manager Client Relations & Strategy) 1300 655 615 or 02 9975 3311 or email your enquiry to to be a part of this unique opportunity.

To review the full details of these opportunities you will need to sign a simple confidentiality agreement which protects our interests in the property. If you purchase a property, a sourcing fee will apply.


3. Client Stories

Here is a selection of feedback from some of our happy clients last month:

Fiona's story

"Absolute value for money."
Cathy C,  Doctor

Buyer type: Investor
Buyer's brief: 3rd property purchase with propertybuyer
Location: Surry Hills

Our solution
Researched properties consistent with my goals, giving variety in price and location.  Arranging viewings in a timely and time efficient manner.  Anna Rorke was spectacular in every way. Absolute value for money with respect to searching properties, negotiating price, clinching the deal in a very competitive market and after sale service.  I felt elated and confident afterwards.

"…Anna Rorke was spectacular in every way."

Buyers' Advocate, Anna Rorke
We were looking for a good unit in a location that would always be in demand and also a pleasure to live in.  In the current market we rely a lot on relationships with real estate agents to be able to secure a property.  Cathy was a delight to work with and understood the need to move quickly in the current market.


Sonya & Mayez's Story

"Someone else is dong the research."
Sonya C

Buyer type: Investor
Buyer's brief: Solid long-term investment. Budge $800,000
Location: Neutral Bay

Our solution
Were able to narrow down the search to a select few properties.  Engaging propertybuyer is a time saver.  Less running around and someone else is doing the research.

"engaging propertybuyer is a time saver."

Buyers' Advocate, Matt Corbett
Sonya & Mayez were seeking a solid, long-term investment in a blue-chip suburb of Sydney.  Easily rented, close to transport, shops etc, with large living room, bedrooms and balcony, as well as internal laundry and parking.  Sonya was quickly educated on the market and when the right property arose, she was confident in moving forward quickly.

The Propertybuyer

Fri 7 Feb '25
with Rich Harvey
How to Retire on $250k p.a.
Fri 24 Jan '25
with Rich Harvey
Brisbane Property Market – Trends and Predictions for 2025
Fri 10 Jan '25
with Rich Harvey
Melbourne Property Market Outlook 2025
Fri 27 Dec '24
with Rich Harvey
How to Finance your Future with Property
Fri 13 Dec '24
with Rich Harvey
Property Market Outlook 2025
Fri 29 Nov '24
with Rich Harvey
How to Make Better Financial Decisions


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podcasts on our
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