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give you ten out of ten. I got an investment property with good return, I got a property with a reliable tenant. Yeah, so every box was ticked in the end, I couldn't ask for anything more.

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What is a self-managed super fund?

A self managed super fund (SMSF) is a trust structure which is used to manage retirement savings on behalf of the fund’s members. Investing in property as part of a SMSF is a popular superannuation strategy in Australia as it is tax effective and provides excellent financial benefits.

Buying direct property via a self-managed super fund (SMSF) is a smart strategy which enables you to earn superior returns in a highly tax effective manner. Propertybuyer will help you choose and buy the best investment property to add to your superannuation fund.




Strategy discussion to ensure property fits within your superannuation strategy,


SMSF structure and overall financial and investment goals


Extensive market research to identify suitable areas and suburbs with the best rate of return for your investment


Searching and shortlisting properties which are suitable for your super fund


Analysis of rental returns and comparable property values


Negotiation of price on your chosen property


Referral to a local property manager

money in the nest

The beauty of buying property with your super fund is that it doesn’t affect your daily cashflow. However, purchasing property within a Self Managed Super Fund does not reduce the need for proper research and analysis. As with all superannuation investments, you need to be careful and diligent in doing your research. And that’s where we come in: Propertybuyer will not only give you the edge in the Australian property market, we’re also experienced in assisting people buy investment property with a super and helping our customers make the right choice and get the best returns.

Benefits of SMSF Property Investment

  • Greater control of your own investments
  • Ability to borrow safely via non-recourse loans
  • Only 15% tax on net rental income
  • Zero capital gains tax on income or capital gain after the age of 60
  • Some renovations now permissible with SMSF
  • Having a Granny flat in a Self Managed Super Fund is possible!
  • If you haven’t yet set up an SMSF, we can refer you to an accredited professional to create the right structures at an affordable cost.

What type of real estate can I buy as an SMSF investment property?

  1. You can buy residential, commercial or industrial property as part of a self managed super fund
  2. You cannot buy your own principal place of residence in a SMSF
  3. You can however, buy your own commercial premises and lease back to your company.

Why engage Propertybuyer for my self managed super fund?

Using our professional buyers’ advocates means you will make a safer investment choice for your hard earned super fund. We follow a strict due diligence process and use a checklist to identify the right types of investment properties that will out-perform the average. The other key benefits include:

  • We’ll show you how to buy property using your super fund
  • We can give you access to off market properties
  • We offer you access to discounted pre-sales from developers
  • You receive totally independent property investment advice (not tied to any commissions)
  • You gain a superior knowledge of growth spots and prices
  • You get peace of mind knowing that you made an informed property purchase
  • You pay the right price, every time.

There is a lot to consider when it comes to superannuation and creating a SMSF investment strategy. You need professional advisers to help setup the SMSF and auditors and administrators to assist with ongoing compliance audits. If you don’t already have one, ask us for a referral to a specialist Self Managed Super Fund advisor to assist with the administration and tax requirements. If you are considering borrowing for investment property inside your SMSF, we have specialist finance brokers that can help with securing the right SMSF property loan.

While there are more administration costs with buying property in SMSF, the advantages certainly outweigh the disadvantages. The tax benefits of owning property through a super are significant and our services provide the best protection for making property investment a reality for your SMSF. Throughout the Australian and Sydney property market our buyers agents have the knowledge, experience and the right connections to help you buy an investment property that matches your long term SMSF objectives.


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